welcome to here to complain.
hello, hello, hello,
I hope this email finds you better than that one that most definitely tried you recently.
If you’re reading this you are likely:
A Black and/or brown person who has experienced some sort of microaggression in your place of work.
A white person who is nosey and/or empathetic to the plight of Black and brown folks.
A subscriber from JASPER. If that is the case and you are annoyed with this particular unsolicited email, please ignore. I do apologize. If you’re hype—hooray!
Either way, thank you for your readership.
here to complain is a new spot for Black and PoC folks to vent, rant and share their stories of work-related microaggressions and silly coworker moments. Here you may share your emails, screenshots, office faux pas, business trips gone-wrong, and much much more.
This is a safe zone for us to air out our grievances, as oftentimes we’re not afforded the space to do so.
The hope with here to complain is to foster a community of folks who get it, who can lend an ear, help you read your employee for filth in the comments, or possibly console you with kind words and affirmations for all the nonsense you must endure.
can i write in?
Are you a Black, indigenous, or PoC who wants to vent, rant, or share your epically ridiculous work or school experience? Then yes, please write in!
You are welcome to write under a pseudonym or anonymously, or if you’re feeling spicy: your actual name. However, I would advise you not to share any incriminating information.
Please note: As I am a freelance writer in 2023, I ain’t got it like that to pay you or myself in this venture. However, we will share your donation buttons below each post. If anything changes on this front, you will be the first to know.
addressing the elephant in the room
As many of you know, Substack has questionable (at best) policies on moderating racism on its site. I have considered other platforms for this newsletter but then decided posting anti-white supremacist stories like these on a site that refuses to denounce racism outright is a fine act of rebellion. We’ll live here for the time being, until somewhere else makes more sense.
Now, I believe those are the basics.
To submit your story please email wereheretocomplain@gmail.com
In the meantime, enjoy this Stanley Hudson “I’m over it” gif.